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email database

Email database selected on your criteria:

Email database B2B si B2C on different countries:

email database

email database

* For Romania: ask for a free inventory of Romanian companies email database (B2B) here

on many criteria: county, activity domain CAEN (NACE), turnover, profit, employees, etc

Email database inventory by country, letters A – K

domain Country No. of Emails
.al  Albania 6.085
.dz  Algeria 8.055
.ar  Argentina 230.262
.am  Armenia 11.905
.au  Australia 2.362.205
.at  Austria 103.316
.by  Belarus 14.234
.be  Belgium 201.909
.ba  Bosnia and Herzegovina 27.375
.br  Brazil 2.483.651
.bg  Bulgaria 61.912
.ca  Canada 1.428.896
.hr  Croatia 49.271
.cu  Cuba 12.561
.cy  Cyprus 14.543
.cz  Czech Republic 177.977
.dk  Denmark 142.396
.eg  Egypt 26.982
.ee  Estonia 25.907
.eu  European Union 136.114
.fi  Finland 68.437
.fr  France 2.122.013
.ge  Georgia 12.508
.de  Germany 938.606
.gr  Greece 108.475
.hu  Hungary 89.307
.is  Iceland 14.698
.in  India 1.365.033
.id  Indonesia 216.828
.ir  Iran 51.145
.iq  Iraq 6.971
.ie  Ireland 100.037
.il  Israel 292.812
.it  Italy 753.019
.jp  Japan 310.210
.xk  Kosovo at request
.kw  Kuwait 16.015

Email database inventory by country, letters L – Z

domain Country No. of Emails
.lv  Latvia 40.039
.lb  Lebanon 19.087
.ly  Libya 9.314
.li  Liechtenstein 6.354
.lt  Lithuania 23.696
.lu  Luxembourg 14.521
.my  Malaysia 418.356
.mt  Malta 12.167
.mx  Mexico 4.199.758
.md  Moldova 8.554
.mc  Monaco 5.622
.me  Montenegro 8.563
.nl  Netherlands 1.253.474
.nz  New Zealand 414.147
.mk  North Macedonia 9.709
.no  Norway 227.170
.pa  Panama 12.174
.py  Paraguay 15.053
.pe  Peru 50.866
.ph  Philippines 90.507
.pl  Poland 211.646
.pt  Portugal 205.213
.pr  Puerto Rico (SUA) 11.912
.qa  Qatar 29.840
.ro  Romania 216.670
.ru  Russia 973.437
.sa  Saudi Arabia 117.478
.rs  Serbia 63.669
.sg  Singapore 469.403
.sk  Slovakia 36.552
.si  Slovenia 23.941
.es  Spain 224.095
.se  Sweden 181.448
.ch  Switzerland 370.611
.sy  Syria 12.984
.tw  Taiwan 186.682
.th  Thailand 76.880
.tr  Turkey 215.327
.ae  United Arab Emirates 486.446
.uk  United Kingdom 3.224.683
.us  United States of America 983.596
.ve  Venezuela 43.848

This inventory include both B2B and B2C email database. If you are interested only in 1 of these 2, ask for a personalised free inventory here

If you wish custom email databases selected on any other desired criteria ask for a free offer here

You can also request email databases from other countries than listed above here

For any question please contact-us



Adresa: Str. Vasile Lascar nr. 5-7 sector 2 Bucuresti

Tel: 0774-425.917
Tel: 0748-750.621
Tel: 021-3131.686



