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SMS Marketing Campaign

A SMS Marketing Campaign is very good: 

A very effective tool for finding new customersSMS Marketing Campaign

A stronger weapon than you think!

Why make a SMS Marketing campaign with us?

To promote your company and the current offer of your company,

and thanks to the excellent ratio – no. contacted potential customers / price,

we recomand you a SMS CAMPAIGN:


SMS advertising has superior efficacy because:

– Provide a precise target selection and contacting your potential customers / partners / sponsors (see pt. 1 and 2)

– Your company’s offer will arrive almost immediately and will be read by them

– Receive requests / orders even in the early hours of the start of the campaign

– Producing and distributing ELECTRONIC name card is much cheaper than traditional business cards (flyers, brochures).

– You are guaranteed: If after the sms marketing campaign you did not get new customers / partners / sponsors will receive a free campaign repetition.


In a SMS marketing campaign your benefits are:

1) We make your optimized database (personalized  target) +

2) the realization of message (the basics + “call to action”)

3) Sending messages to database

4) links to you a short list (those interested in your offer)

5) Providing a detailed report to your campaign (list of all recipients and details, see section 3)


The advantages of SMS marketing campaign:

1) Make a precise target selection and contacting your potential customers / partners / sponsors, for example:

– Kind SRL or SA Commercial companies;

– Authorized individuals, sole proprietorships, family businesses;

– Tradesmen (authorized experts, appraisers, architects, translators, notaries, lawyers, doctors, accountants, agents, media, associations, others)

– Other entities in your application (schools, kindergartens, universities, mayors, county councils and local agencies, foundations, clubs, etc.)

2) additional target can be selected, and after your other desired criteria:

– Geography: at the sector level, town or city, county, region or nationwide;

– On areas of activity, according to CAEN classification – see full list here

– After the turnover, profit / loss, no. of employees, year of establishment, etc.

– By name (pt. Birthday promotions: Mihai, Mihaela, Andrew, Michael, Nicholas, Nicole, Cristian, Cristina, Elena, Maria, etc)

-After age and / or sex

– After complex criteria: the combination of the above and / or other criteria your desired .;


3) Control modes of the SMS marketing campaign by you:

Receive detailed survey report including:

– Full list of those who received your offer with the following information: name of the persons / companies receiving, address, city, county, nr. The Registration codes for promotion (if also use this tool)

– The date of sending messages and no. by phone last 2 digits blurred and clear any numbers in 50-150 companies from the list of your choice that you can call to check whether they had received the message (can receive a complete list, see Databases offer here

– Watch increasing the number of your site Visitor .: remains your sightseeing pleasure to study growth depending on each test campaign and amplified them most effective.

4) The short (delivery time) of arrival of the message to the recipient: international statistics tell us that a message is read on average at 4 seconds of receiving it;

5) immediate responses. You will receive the first requests / orders even in the early hours of the start of the campaign.

6) Allows measurement results and statistical analysis, to study the impact and effectiveness of their responses allowing each campaign.

Ex: Communication Coupon Code by those who will contact us in the campaign to permit identification of complete including that campaign if the test or scroll several simultaneously, allowing amplification campaigns that have produced the most results and cessation campaigns (criteria) that produced the fewest results;

7) For maximum impact can personalize every message (the message may contain 1-3 variable fields, eg the recipient’s name, unique for promotional discount or gift voucher, which is valid until the date of the promotion, the address to come – If you have multiple locations list can be segmented according to the proximity to a certain location, for example in sector 1 in Bucharest recipients are invited to location A, District 2 Bucharest recipients are invited to location B, etc.);

8) We can send to your messages longer than 160 characters, 480 characters maximum, one recipient receiving SMS netrunchiat. This is very important because it is almost impossible that in 160 characters to send personalized messages relevant messages and convingatoare.Majoritatea “good” averaged 200-300 characters. ) We are one of the few technology companies due to special use and partnership with mobile operators can achieve it)

9) may be inserted into the message a promotion, a unique discount code, a deadline of validity of the promotion, etc. to boost customers and get them to take the desired action: to visit the location promoted (the new store opened), request discount coupon or voucher offered in the campaign, to make an order, visit the website, to call the telephone number indicated , etc.) – see the examples below;

10) substantially reduced cost compared to other types of advertising promotion as the instrument (campaign) ideal for low budgets or new firms;

11) 100% achievement target (many emails do not read, telephone conversations looked fast and generally potential client not to note the offer during the discussion if he is not interested at the moment), but text messages are read all and remain in phone;

12) A message sent equates with a card ideal because:

– Remains the potential client and can produce orders in the future: the message the client is advised to save the message in the agenda to contact you whenever necessary;

– Compared to a classical paper card, SMS saved in your individual decision making is more effective for you to solicit orders now or in the future because:

– The message the client is advised to save the message in the agenda will contact whenever needed;

– So your offer is in maximum safety, in your potential client (can not lose, forget where you put it, borrow someone else and no longer has the need, etc.)

– It is non-stop (permanently) in seconds;

– A frequent revisits and remembers your offer every time they see messages stored in the phone – your saved messages just do not have to use them when you need it? )


Examples of messages:

Example 1: Message Promotion Campaign for customer training for the new open shop “NEW STORE” which offers 123 related products:

ABCDEF GHIJKL SRL – we are welcome in the new store NEW STORE Street. … No. … – Landmark … … 07xx- phone to discover new products in the fields 123 offer excellent prices!

(ABCDEF GHIJKL SRL is a hypothetical name from the list to see how the message customized for each recipient)

Example 2 for the same campaign, but with a promotion to boost:

ABCDEF GHIJKL SRL – we are welcome in the new store NEW STORE Street. … No. … – Landmark … … 07xx- phone to discover new offer from the ABC products at excellent prices! Come with this SMS till date … and you will receive a welcome gift PROMO!

Where PROMO can be hidden in a letter to arouse curiosity and concrete can be:

– A price reduction of …% on first order;

– A price reduction of …% on any order till date …;

– Article … free from any minimum order of … lei;

– A voucher worth … £ shopping in that store;

– Free catalog, calendar, pens, lighters or other promotional items, preferably emblazoned with your company;

– 4 products for the price of 3 (or something similar) – widely used by large commercial promotions;

– Other things that can be attractive and that will allow to offer them training gift for your portfolio of clients.

Note: Usually the cost is covered by sales PROMO supply generated by the respective PROMO attractive offer.

Example 3: promotion message campaign to find new clients for the company “NEW COMPANY LLC” printers that offer rental services and has its own website:

ABCDEF GHIJKL SRL – effective work and your company’s projects: now you can rent the entire range of printers quickly and at excellent prices – see www.newcompany.ro or phone 07xx-123456. Receive a Discount – Welcome Gift, the code if calling ABCGHI-01 until August 10, 2017! Save this SMS named PRINTERS RENT necessary to find!

If the company has no website yet, the message can be:

ABCDEF GHIJKL SRL – effective work and your company’s projects: now you can rent the entire range of printers quickly and at excellent prices from the company NEW COMPANY SRL Phone 07xx-123456. Receive a Discount – Welcome Gift, the code if calling ABCGHI-01 until August 10, 2017! Save this SMS named PRINTERS RENT necessary to find!


ABCDEF GHIJKL SRL is a hypothetical name of one of the companies receiving the list;

ABCGHI-01 is the unique code that is generated from the respective company name or any other code can be your desired .;

Example 4: promotion message campaign to find new clients for the company “NEW COMPUTER SRL” which provides maintenance and repair services to the client computers:

ABCDEF GHIJKL SRL – useful for your company: professional services, maintenance and repair computers at your premises quickly and at excellent prices – see www.newcomputer.ro or phone 07xx-123456. Receive a Discount – Welcome Gift, the code if calling ABCGHI-01 until August 10, 2017! Save this SMS named COMPUTER SERVICES needed to find!


1) the persons / firms newly established city (town) your county, region, or national, with a certain type of activity or in all areas – they are a target good because very we do not have yet a supplier;

Information You can see here the average number of monthly new companies to be established in each county (the average of 2017, will be about the same in 2018);

2. the persons / companies existing in the city (town) your county, region, or national certain criteria (Possible combination, see Databases):

– By activity (see detailed list of areas here NACE in force);

– After the turnover;

– After profit;

– Number of employees;

3. To individuals / companies from point 1 and 2 combined (most desirable)

Promotion subscriptions:


Promotional Discount *

3 months

5 %

6 months


12 months


Promotion additional *: price will be considered for a single SMS even if the message length to exceed the standard length of 160 characters (maximum 305 characters – the client receives a single message, uncut). Most “good” messages (relevant, appealing and perceived Valuable by recipients) are averaged 200-300 characters.

* Valid until June 30, 2017

For a sms marketing campaign customized to your needs call us or contact us by clicking here and we will respond in the shortest time!



Adresa: Str. Vasile Lascar nr. 5-7 sector 2 Bucuresti

Tel: 0774-425.917
Tel: 0748-750.621
Tel: 021-3131.686



