Databases individuals-persons (B2C)
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Databases individuals persons B2C for marketing:
If you wish to contact individuals-persons and you need Databases individuals persons B2C, we can select the target by other additional criteria desired by you, for example by:
– Income level
– profession
– Age and / or sex
– Name (pt. Birthday promotions: John, Andrew, Michael, Nicholas, Nicole, Helen, Mary, etc)
– Only with mobile phone number
– Your other desired criteria .;
Examples of available Databases individuals persons B2C:
920,000 urban families with phone number
26,000 women (nationally) registered in a club fashion
7,000 women (in Bucharest) client of a fashion house
155,000 people owning pets
240,000 people farmed animals
11,000 people owning motorcycles / ATVs
38,000 people owning vehicles over 10,000 euros
For details and personalized offers contact us.